NPOST | Shërbimi Postar më i besueshëm në Kosovë

Name: P-ENLLC / Nickname: NPOST

City: Prishtinë · 10000
Address: Veternik, Isak Lutolli

  • Open: 09:00AM deri në 17:00PM
  • Weight: Max. 25 kg, 41 × 38 × 64 cm
  • Payment method: PayBy.Link

4.2 / 5. Vlerësime: 11

Description of the N'Postomat

When you order online, the seller registers the order in the NPOST system and you will automatically receive an SMS as well as on Viber for the preferred method of acceptance.

If you want to receive it at home from the postman.
Or to bring your order to Postomat.

You will also be able to instruct the postman to deliver your package to the nearest Post Office, even if you cannot accept the order at home.

NPOSTA punon nga ora 08:00AM deri në 17:00PM